I am sure that this is the subject of a lot of blogs. Randy Pausch displayed great courage in facing his death. Having experienced acute pacreatitis, I have some notion of the pain that probably accompanied his final days. That takes courage, but his great courage was in living his life. Actually living his life.
A central subject of his lecture was living your childhood dreams. I wish I could remember mine. He sure could remember his. He also managed to fulfill many of them in most amazing ways.
I could slip into a string of regrets regarding my failure to follow my dreams. I will not. That would be pointless. Though I had good reason for deviating from that path, they were not good enough. Now I struggle to get back onto that path, and The Last Lecture shall serve as an inspirational tool to aid me in that struggle.
When granted the opportunity, I encourage people to follow their dreams. Though you cannot abandon the practical aspects of life, they should not drive you. Dreams should power our lives.
That said, it is essential to learn how to identify your dreams. That is what I am thinking often about these days.
I have too often embraced bitterness in my life. I have found the root of bitterness down the paths that led away from my dreams. Though I cannot easily identify my dreams, I do know that I once had some, and have wandered too far away from them.
Fortunately, life is lived today, in the now. I can seek my dreams, and I can generate new dreams. I do not have to sit and chew on those bitter roots. I can find new paths, and seek what is better rather than what is bitter.
Randy Pausch was probably wired from the beginning to become the vibrant living being he became. Positive, energetic, and alive. Yet he chose to capitalize on those natural proclivities. Those of us who did not start with such wiring may still choose to capitalize on our strengths.
He has given me much to think about, and he has provided a light that shall guide many out of whatever darkness in which they might dwell.
Thank you, Randy. You lived well.
Key West bound
2 weeks ago
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