I have included the reading of The Wheel of Time as part of my bucket list because it is important to me to complete the reading of that epic fantasy series. The death of the author, Robert Jordan, complicated the reading, but a successor author was appointed and is drawing the series to a conclusion.
Earlier portions of the work I have read several times. It is a huge tale, and a daunting task for anyone not a voracious reader and a lover of the fantasy genre. I find it quite worthwhile.
There remain two more volumes to complete the series. I await the next with great anticipation. That said, it shall be the first of the works I shall purchase in electronic format. Eventually I shall purchase the earlier volumes and have the whole thing available for future readings on my Nook. My last recap took about three months. I am current enough that I don't have to recap to continue with the next volume.
I have read other epic fantasy series in their entirety, some several times. Lackey, King, Goodkind and others. Some I shall eventually collect into my electronic library. Reading them again is pleasant, like visiting a place you know and love but haven't been to in quite some time. Lord of the Rings is like that for me and for many people. Some of the others are equally worthwhile.
I shall, perhaps, soon return my hand to my own work. I have written the first book, and have begun the sequel. I have not yet finished the final polish on the first, but it won't require much. Shall I publish? Perhaps, one day. The first book was actually just an exercise for therapy, a tool in fighting to overcome depression. It was a valuable tool, though I am still not sure it is worthy of publication.
We shall see.
West Coast: Second attempt.
3 days ago
Oh I'm sure it worthy of publishing. I would love to read it, and the sequel. I think I find reasons not to work on my novel because I don't want to know it's not good enough. Maybe that shouldn't matter.
I'm not much of a fantasy fan -- I lean more toward 'hard' science fiction. But I do understand and appreciate the desire to complete a series.
You are much beyond me. I can't bring myself to gravitate to e-books. It's probably just stubbornness on my part.
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