My work week was four days this week. That's four twelve-hour night shifts. Three days of camping in the parking lot in my Sportz II truck tent.
I don't recall being this rested during any other work week while on night shift. I would finish work in the morning, dress warmly, and go to sleep in my tent. I would awake somewhere around noon, remove some layers of clothing, eat a snack, and go back to sleep. Each day I got at least six hours of total sleep. Several hours more of rest.
My sleep is always broken when I sleep days. In the past I survived on four to five hours of sleep a day, when working nights. Seldom four to five hours of solid sleep. Coming into this period of night work, I was concerned. I am older, now, and do not think I can function on four hours of sleep each day over the course of a week.
This rather bountiful sleep has been quite a surprise. I am delighted. I must attribute it to several things. I am not struggling to stay awake on a dangerous commute, but rather get to sleep quite soon after completing my night of work. I am not disturbed by household sounds as I sleep. My location in the parking lot is distant from most of the noise in the area, and so I sleep soundly. I am also able to relax later in the day, due to not having to commute to work.
I am quite pleased to eliminate my transportation expense. I don't use fuel on the days I camp. I am also pleased not to be at risk of falling asleep on the road. Nobody gets hurt when I sleep in my tent.
I plan to refine this lifestyle, and see just how pleasant I can make it. I will probably add a radio to my kit, and try and come up with some ways to be more comfortable while reading or playing handheld video games in the tent. Perhaps some more suitable pillows and such.
My camp chair is good for sitting outside. I use one of my bags as a footrest, and it is quite nice to sit in the parking lot next to my truck. I watch the birds and the ground squirrels that live in the field near where I park.
My camp food has been simple fare, and good enough for now. I will expand the menu over time.
Tomorrow I begin my vacation, so camping in the parking lot will have to wait for a couple of weeks. I am soon bound for Texas, and a visit with family in San Antonio.
That will be much better than the bed of my truck!
West Coast: Second attempt.
3 days ago
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